Friday, February 18, 2011

Today's Events

It has been a really hard day. I think we got greedy having so many good things happen all in a few hours yesterday. Don't get me wrong we made progress and we are very grateful. All the IV's are out, all the vital signs are good. He got out of bed, had a bath and sat in a chair. The only meds he is on is antibiotics. As far as we can tell he can read, spell, talks but right now he has a hard time feeding himself and his short term memory is weak. We have not seen him walk, stand - but not walk.  Please keep praying...


  1. We will keep praying. Thinking of all of you constantly.

  2. The prayers continue...

    Lisa, Phil and Pete

  3. Thanking God for all he has done so far and in advance for what is to come.

    Stay strong, know many people are sending positive energy and all will be well!

  5. These are great first steps! This is certainly a process, and we must appreciate each small blessing. Tomorrow will bring a whole host of evaluations from PT's, OT's, etc. Be Patient, take each moment, each breath. Rest so you can be strong for Ian. Wish I was there! Love you guys, liz

  6. It's not greedy to want your son back 100% ... its understandable. His body has had such a shock but he is young, strong, and has a huge wall of prayer standing behind him. Its okay to lean back and voice your worries so we can pray specifically ~ today it will be for his memory and muscles.



  7. Small miracles today, bigger miracles tomorrow.
    Prayer is powerful, we will keep praying.
    Michele Smith

    From Matt: Today was good, tomorrow will be great. I know you can do it Ian.
