Thursday, March 31, 2011

Graduated From Speech

It is hard to believe it has not even been 2 months since Ian's accident and his last day of Speech Therapy was today! I think I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
All the tests they did on him last week came back normal which was all great news. Unfortunately, Ian did not get clearance from his Cardiologist to go back to contact sports. Although his heart is functioning perfectly, the lining of his heart is thicker than normal and they are not sure why. They have never seen a case like this so they are playing it really safe. They are pretty sure it is from the hit to the heart but they would like it to be in normal range before going back to sports. I guess that means no baseball or hockey this spring! He is allowed to run, skate, bike, etc. just no contact sports. We go back in May for more testing.
With all that said....if anyone told me told me when Ian was in ICU that we would still be able to take our family vacation to the Bahamas for Spring Break, I would have thought you were crazy. Well, all his doctors have approved for us to keep our plans and go. It is a much needed vacation for all of us even though it was planned before Ian's accident, the timing could not be better. Please pray that everyone stays healthy and we don't run into any problems in the Bahamas.
The plan is for Ian to go back to school full time after Spring Break assuming he does not get too tired. One day at a time! Thanks again for all the prayers that I know keep coming. Bahamas - here we come!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Improving Everyday

Thanks to the Avondale Hockey Team, last Friday night we had a really nice dinner at Maggiano's Restaurant, the first one since Ian's accident! It was a really great evening!

Ian is down to 3 days of Physical Therapy and 2 days of Speech Therapy so we are only driving to Warren 3 times a week instead of 5. The left side of his body is still weaker than his right but it is improving all the time. They work him pretty hard and don't let him get away with much, he says he would rather go to school if that tells you anything. Speaking of school...Ian is attending 6th and 7th hour and working to catch up with the rest of his classes from home. He is caught up in Chemistry and English. He has done all the work in Spanish but has a few tests to take. He is about half way there in Economics and has not really started Math. That is this week's goal! Big mountain to climb but he is getting there. Generally he is in good spirits but gets tired easily but no more naps during the day.
Last night Ian and his dad took a couple of friends to the Red Wings game, thanks to a very sweet teacher who has been more than supportive during this difficult time. They had a great time and Chris was happy to watch his son be a kid and thanked GOD a million times for our MIRACLE. I stayed home with Tessa and spent a little time with my little Angel. :-)

We have a couple of followup appointments with his doctors this week but the big one is next Monday with his Cardiologist. After a stress test they will determine if he can be cleared for sports and start working out and more importanly if there are any longer term effects on his heart. Please pray that all goes well! We are still in awe of all the support, hugs, cards, food and prayers. You are all the best! THANK YOU.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Graduation from OT

Today was a big day for Ian at therapy. His Occupatinal therapist told him that he does not need to see her anymore. His final "test" was to cook which he did and ate his own cooking too. This is good news not just because Ian is improving but also because it gives him more time to catch up on school work. Now we need to "graduate" from physical and speech therapy!

Everyday we see new things that Ian remembers. The biggest struggle right now is his energy level. He gets really tired easily.

I just got back from conferences and spoke to most of his teachers. We want to thank all of them for being so supportive and understanding through all this. All of them are willing to work with Ian until he is back full time. A special thank you to Mr. Watkins and Mrs. Patterson for going the extra mile or two and coming to the house to work with Ian. The school Administration has been supportive in more ways than we can count. To the rest of you out there, thanks for all the hugs, prayers and support.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Leap Frog?

Ian  continues to make amazing progress. Sunday we got back to church as a family for the first time since the accident. The message was on the Prodigal Son. Is God dialed-in or what? It was really awesome for us to be back at church. We went to chapel after the service for some quiet prayer. Batteries energized!

After church we had a visit from some old friends. The love and support from our friends continues to amaze. As usual we are being catered to, cooked for and spoiled. Pretty soon we'll need to direct all this energy to another family in need. Play it forward...

Today Ian went to outpatient therapy. His regular therapist was out so he had a sub. She looked at his evaluation results and wasn't sure what to do with him. We are hoping this means we can focus our attention on catching up in school and getting back to regular life. This afternoon Ian is going to get on the ice with his hockey team. Just some light skating and shooting the puck for today. He can't fully participate until he is cleared by his cardiologist.

Ian is doing remarkably well. He gets tired easy and has lost some strength. His memory isn't 100% but seems to be improving everyday.My prayer today: God thank you for the miraculous recovery of Ian. He is a testament to your glory and the prayerful faithfulness of your children. God please continue to heal Ian so that your glory is proclaimed far and wide!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I got a call today from my brother in Scotland who was all worried because the blog had not been updated since Ian got out of the hospital. It made me realize that some of you might be wondering what is going on.

Ian is now going to Outpatient therapy at a place called Stepping-Stone which is a DMC Outpatient facility for children with brain injury. So far they have been wonderful. The staff is really nice and Ian likes them. This week has been mostly evaulation to see where he is at. All the results are not in but basically he is scoring really high in vocabulary and comprehension but scoring a litlle below average in speed and processing. Whatever that means. Today, Ian's Chemistry teacher came to see him and was really pleased with everything Ian remembers. There were things he was rusty at which he re-learned today, the question is, will Ian remember the things he learned today tomorrow. Time will tell. We are going to take this approach for all of his classes and try to catch him up a little before he goes back to school. Not sure when that will be but the important thing is that he is improving everyday. We also made a quick visit to Ian's elementary school and saw some of his teachers. The reaction was warm and very touching. I think Ian realized how much he is loved. It is rare when teachers start crying in front of their class and give hugs that last more that a minute.

None of this would have been possible without the nurses and doctors at the DMC and we truly believe that the Clinical Study Ian participated in probably saved his brain. Please keep praying for a couple of more Miracles!

I will update the blog but it probably won't be as frequent - another thing that my brother told me I should let you all know! :-)