Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Some Final Words

As of Friday May 27, 2011 Ian is caught up in school! He has worked hard and been committed and we are so proud of him. Things might not be as easy as they were but his determination is there more than ever. Although Ian still has a few things to work on the worst is behind us!

As I write this final entry I wanted to thank several people. First of all thanks to the doctors at Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital for being on top of things and sending Ian to DMC. Thanks to all the doctors and nurses at the DMC Children's Hospital for taking such great care of our son and us during this horrible time. Thanks to all of our neighbors, friends and family for sticking by us, supporting us, praying for us and just being there. Thanks to all the people that we don't even know that prayed for us, we felt all the love! Last but not least, thanks to all of Ian's teachers and the Avondale High School Administrators for being patient and helping Ian catch up!

This experience has changed our family forever, we did the channel 4 interview hoping to save some lives and we will continue with our efforts to increase the awareness of AED's and the importance of CPR training. Remember, if you are ever in a situation to help someone, don't be afraid! DO SOMETHING!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Channel 4 TV interview

This Sunday May 15th at 11 PM and Monday at 5 or 6 PM, Ian and family wereinterviewed on Channel 4 WDIV Detroit. We want to share the miracle of Ian's recovery and spread the word about readiness and CPR to leaders of youth sports programs.

Three months ago today this nightmare started! Ian is doing great...4 more tests and he will be caught up in school!

How prayer and modern medicine saved Ian.
Follow-up message on the need for better CPR/AED awareness.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Back to School Full Time

Last week Ian started school full time and he was really excited about it. He has a huge mountain to climb but he is determined and working hard. He is doing really well in most of his classes, struggles with a few things in math which we are helping him through. One day at a time, one class at a time! He is even remembered a few new things from the week before the accident which is another great sign that he is still healing.

Our trip to the Bahamas was GREAT! It was really relaxing, the weather was beautiful and it was so nice to see Ian and Tessa spend quality time together. Thank you God for giving him back to us.

Please keep praying that God gives Ian strength to catch up in school and continue his recovery. Thanks to all his teachers for being so patient and supportive!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Graduated From Speech

It is hard to believe it has not even been 2 months since Ian's accident and his last day of Speech Therapy was today! I think I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
All the tests they did on him last week came back normal which was all great news. Unfortunately, Ian did not get clearance from his Cardiologist to go back to contact sports. Although his heart is functioning perfectly, the lining of his heart is thicker than normal and they are not sure why. They have never seen a case like this so they are playing it really safe. They are pretty sure it is from the hit to the heart but they would like it to be in normal range before going back to sports. I guess that means no baseball or hockey this spring! He is allowed to run, skate, bike, etc. just no contact sports. We go back in May for more testing.
With all that said....if anyone told me told me when Ian was in ICU that we would still be able to take our family vacation to the Bahamas for Spring Break, I would have thought you were crazy. Well, all his doctors have approved for us to keep our plans and go. It is a much needed vacation for all of us even though it was planned before Ian's accident, the timing could not be better. Please pray that everyone stays healthy and we don't run into any problems in the Bahamas.
The plan is for Ian to go back to school full time after Spring Break assuming he does not get too tired. One day at a time! Thanks again for all the prayers that I know keep coming. Bahamas - here we come!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Improving Everyday

Thanks to the Avondale Hockey Team, last Friday night we had a really nice dinner at Maggiano's Restaurant, the first one since Ian's accident! It was a really great evening!

Ian is down to 3 days of Physical Therapy and 2 days of Speech Therapy so we are only driving to Warren 3 times a week instead of 5. The left side of his body is still weaker than his right but it is improving all the time. They work him pretty hard and don't let him get away with much, he says he would rather go to school if that tells you anything. Speaking of school...Ian is attending 6th and 7th hour and working to catch up with the rest of his classes from home. He is caught up in Chemistry and English. He has done all the work in Spanish but has a few tests to take. He is about half way there in Economics and has not really started Math. That is this week's goal! Big mountain to climb but he is getting there. Generally he is in good spirits but gets tired easily but no more naps during the day.
Last night Ian and his dad took a couple of friends to the Red Wings game, thanks to a very sweet teacher who has been more than supportive during this difficult time. They had a great time and Chris was happy to watch his son be a kid and thanked GOD a million times for our MIRACLE. I stayed home with Tessa and spent a little time with my little Angel. :-)

We have a couple of followup appointments with his doctors this week but the big one is next Monday with his Cardiologist. After a stress test they will determine if he can be cleared for sports and start working out and more importanly if there are any longer term effects on his heart. Please pray that all goes well! We are still in awe of all the support, hugs, cards, food and prayers. You are all the best! THANK YOU.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Graduation from OT

Today was a big day for Ian at therapy. His Occupatinal therapist told him that he does not need to see her anymore. His final "test" was to cook which he did and ate his own cooking too. This is good news not just because Ian is improving but also because it gives him more time to catch up on school work. Now we need to "graduate" from physical and speech therapy!

Everyday we see new things that Ian remembers. The biggest struggle right now is his energy level. He gets really tired easily.

I just got back from conferences and spoke to most of his teachers. We want to thank all of them for being so supportive and understanding through all this. All of them are willing to work with Ian until he is back full time. A special thank you to Mr. Watkins and Mrs. Patterson for going the extra mile or two and coming to the house to work with Ian. The school Administration has been supportive in more ways than we can count. To the rest of you out there, thanks for all the hugs, prayers and support.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Leap Frog?

Ian  continues to make amazing progress. Sunday we got back to church as a family for the first time since the accident. The message was on the Prodigal Son. Is God dialed-in or what? It was really awesome for us to be back at church. We went to chapel after the service for some quiet prayer. Batteries energized!

After church we had a visit from some old friends. The love and support from our friends continues to amaze. As usual we are being catered to, cooked for and spoiled. Pretty soon we'll need to direct all this energy to another family in need. Play it forward...

Today Ian went to outpatient therapy. His regular therapist was out so he had a sub. She looked at his evaluation results and wasn't sure what to do with him. We are hoping this means we can focus our attention on catching up in school and getting back to regular life. This afternoon Ian is going to get on the ice with his hockey team. Just some light skating and shooting the puck for today. He can't fully participate until he is cleared by his cardiologist.

Ian is doing remarkably well. He gets tired easy and has lost some strength. His memory isn't 100% but seems to be improving everyday.My prayer today: God thank you for the miraculous recovery of Ian. He is a testament to your glory and the prayerful faithfulness of your children. God please continue to heal Ian so that your glory is proclaimed far and wide!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I got a call today from my brother in Scotland who was all worried because the blog had not been updated since Ian got out of the hospital. It made me realize that some of you might be wondering what is going on.

Ian is now going to Outpatient therapy at a place called Stepping-Stone which is a DMC Outpatient facility for children with brain injury. So far they have been wonderful. The staff is really nice and Ian likes them. This week has been mostly evaulation to see where he is at. All the results are not in but basically he is scoring really high in vocabulary and comprehension but scoring a litlle below average in speed and processing. Whatever that means. Today, Ian's Chemistry teacher came to see him and was really pleased with everything Ian remembers. There were things he was rusty at which he re-learned today, the question is, will Ian remember the things he learned today tomorrow. Time will tell. We are going to take this approach for all of his classes and try to catch him up a little before he goes back to school. Not sure when that will be but the important thing is that he is improving everyday. We also made a quick visit to Ian's elementary school and saw some of his teachers. The reaction was warm and very touching. I think Ian realized how much he is loved. It is rare when teachers start crying in front of their class and give hugs that last more that a minute.

None of this would have been possible without the nurses and doctors at the DMC and we truly believe that the Clinical Study Ian participated in probably saved his brain. Please keep praying for a couple of more Miracles!

I will update the blog but it probably won't be as frequent - another thing that my brother told me I should let you all know! :-)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Out of the Prison Cell

It is hard to believe that 2 weeks ago today Ian was fighting for his life and we did not know if he was going to make it. Tonight - we are all home and get to sleep in our own beds under the same roof! Thank GOD!

Ian worked really hard today at therapy about 6 hours. At the end of it all we had a meeting with all his therapist and doctors. The progress is awesome they all agree. He still has work to do but considering everything he continues to be a MIRACLE. We took him back to the ICU before we left the hospital, all the nurses and doctors could not believe it was Ian. Some of them had tears in their eyes. His ICU doctor hugged him and called Ian her MIRACLE. Wouldn't you know it, as we were grabbing our bags from the ICU family center, who did we run into? JAHAN! She gave Ian a big hug as though she has known him forever.

We came home to all sorts of Welcome Home packages - thank you all for all your prayers and support the last 2 weeks. Please keep praying as Ian works hard to prepare himself for day to day life and school. Outpatient Therapy starts tomorrow morning! Good night all and God Bless!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Last Night in the Hospital

Ian and I are back at the hospital one last night. It was a nice quiet day at home. He got to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at home and take a nap in his own bed - heavenly.  He hung out with his cousin Matthew playing all sorts of games and just being with each other. As we walked back in the hospital Ian told me that he hates this place, I had to remind him that this place saved his life. We thank all the staff at Children's Hospital for taking such good care of Ian and us during this nightmare.
Tomorrow is a full day of therapy, family meeting with the therapist and doctors. I ask that you continue to pray for Ian's recovery and tonight I would like you all to say a prayer for Tessa too. she is fighting a cold, we want her to get better soon so she does not spread the sickness to Ian as he heads home for the rest of his recovery. God Bless You ALL!

A Day at Home

It was so great being at the Hockey game last night! Thanks for all the hugs and well wishes, it was great to see you all. Ian did not want to go back to the hospital but he was really tired and slept peacefully in his hospital bed with mom beside him. This morning we left the hospital again as soon as he woke up and headed home to find Dad making breakfast for all of us. Just enjoying the simple things in life. Before Ian and I left the hospital we stopped in the ICUto see Brad the nurse who took care of him several days while he was there.  Brad was the nurse who pulled all the tubes and allowed Ian to breath on his own again so he has a very special place in our hearts. He was very happy and surprised to see Ian walking around and talking. One more night at the hospital and then Ian can sleep in his own bed. We have all these angels who show up and leave us food, cards and gifts outside the house. THANKS TO YOU ALL! We know we have a long road ahead of us but we are ready and grateful for everyday we have as a family! Please keep praying for daily progress!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Home Stretch

Another good night yesterday and day today. Ian and I watched hockey and AFV on TV and played cards. We had lots of laughs and kept it light.

Today, Saturday is only 1/2 day of therapy so Ian is home for dinner. We are going to his team's hockey game tonight so he can be there for the last game of regular season and Sr. Night. It was so nice for us to have dinner as a family. A little bit of normal is so special. Maybe that's why God does this?

Ian gets the day off from therapy on Sunday and has one more day of inpatient on Monday. Then he comes home for good and starts outpatient therapy next week. Please pray for his continued recovery.

Thank you Lord for our blessings. Thank you for bringing us home together tonight. Let us never forget how precious we are to each other. Our cup runs over. Amen.

-Ian's Dad.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Another Good Day - Keep Them Coming!

We got some more good news today...the test results show that Ian needs to work on the "sharpness" of his brain. Everything is taking a little longer to process right now but they say it is VERY EARLY in recovery and they hope that it will all come back. In the meantime Ian asked his therapist to give him some Algebra instead of long division which he has not done since 3rd grade so she did...he got a perfect score! His language skills are very high right now but the math is coming along, good thing he has Dad to teach him and get him back on track.

He is having fun with the therapist and they all love his sense of humor. He is really taking all this well. Keep on praying - it is working - GOD has his ways. I keep telling myself this happened for a reason, I just can't figure out what. I do know one thing for sure. GOD spared Ian for some reason, he has a mission for him in this world and I can't wait to see what it is. It will be amazing just like he is!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ian Forgot Math?

I guess this our first tangible set back. They did some tests that we don't have the results for yet trying to determine where Ian is at mentally! In the meantime as part of his therapy he worked with a teacher. Although Ian remembers his multiplication tables, he had a hard time with long division and long multiplication. Funny thing is....he is not that concerned because he says he does not think any of his friends remember because at the level of math he is at now, he says they never do that, they use the calculator. So - for Ian's friends out there - do you remember how to do long division or do you get lost in the middle? Be honest now, we are trying to figure out what is going on in Ian's head which is very complicated. Regardless, Dad is not happy and is going to start with Math 101!  The good news is his vocabulary is still excellent! So, we think he is switching from a Math degree to and a English degree! After another day of tests and therapy Ian is very tired and going to bed soon. We are trying to keep it all light but is concerning for Dad and I. Keep praying for good results in the other tests he had. Every day there is more food, cards, gift cards, well wishes, etc - THANK YOU. The nurses really like Ian because he shares the food!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Best Day Yet

This is probably the best day Ian has had since we have been in this "prison cell" as Ian calls it! Although Ian had a full day of therapy and passed out at lunch for 40 minutes and slept for 3 hrs after it was all over - he smiled through most of it. His therapists started seeing the sarcastic part of Ian, which his good friends see often. He had a great visit with a friend he had not seen in a long time.
All his doctors met and gave us a great report on his progress all around. Still have a long road ahead of us but they are talking about going home early next week. Please pray that Ian does well on some testing has he has to do in the next couple of days. Your prayers are what is getting us through all this, please keep them coming!
Thanks Matt G. for your advice, I think Ian is actually going to take your advice, he thinks it is genius!

Rehab Update

Yesterday afternoon Ian was formally admitted to inpatient Rehab. He worked with Occupational, Physical and Speech therapy and was really tired when it was all done. He is improving everyday. He is starting to remember the day to day activities which is huge! This morning I asked him about who visited yesterday and he remembered everyone who was here. Now that he is in rehab, it's kind of like school, he is working from 9:00 to 4:00 with an hour break for lunch. I wonder if he will make it, he is so tired all the time. Once he gets out of therapy he takes a nap and we are arranging for one friend to come see him a day. No talk about when he will be released yet! I have tried to give you something that he has done everyday that has amazed me - here is today's story, not huge but suprising. When Ian first came to he could not remember what day or year it was and we taught him to look on the board in his room to help him which they update daily. This morning the nurse had not come in to update the board. I asked him what day it was and without looking at the board he said it is the 23rd. He then looked at the board and said that is wrong today is Wednesday not Tuesday. It is in there and starting to come back! THANK GOD for small Miracles not to mention the big ones! Everyday we are receiving cards, flowers, cookies, well wishes, you name it. THANK YOU - I wish I could take the time to thank each and everyone of you. Please know everything is appreciated! Keep praying....

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rehab Unit

Ian is in the rehab unit, just found out that he is still not in the care of rehab due to some paper work from the insurance company but he has technically been discharged from the hospital and admitted to rehab unit. The move wipped him out and he is resting.
This morning, I stepped out of the room for a minute and when I came back I found he had climbed out of bed and grabbed my laptop to use. He was on Facebook. He had tried to use the computer a few days ago and was having trouble with the mouse, not today! :-) Can't wait to play cards with him later.
One MIRACLE at a time!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Still Waiting

Never made it home today with all the snow. Not that I am complaining, this place is becoming like home! The people are really nice, I love being with Ian and the food mostly comes from home. Chris and Tessa came at about 2:00 and we all spent time together playing scrabble and Blokus. Chris beat Ian by 4 points in scrabble, it has been a long time since Dad beat Ian but considering everything, Ian did awesome. (Thanks Mr. Biegun)
Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy were all in again evaluating him and comparing their notes to Saturday when they all saw him. Improvements all around. By the time they got their act together and recommended that Ian go to inpatient rehab for a few days it was too late to get insurance approval. So, assuming that gets approved, he will move into inpatient rehab tomorrow and MAYBE go home by this weekend.
The short term memory is the biggest issue but we have figured out that if we ask him to pay attention to something like names of his therapists, he remembers them otherwise he does not. It is more work than it used to be. He went on several walks today around the "block" and got better as the day went on. Right now I am watching him and he is listening to his IPOD and texting some friends. Can't do that for long but it is nice to see some normalcy. We have tried really hard to stimulate his brain and not let him veg in front of the TV. It has been a lot of talking, playing games, puzzle, writing in his journal, etc.
Keep the prayers going, they are working and we are more grateful everyday. We see others that have not done as well. This has changed all of us forever!

Thanks for all the love

Pots of soup, fruit, coffee cake, cookies, flowers and cards, driveways magically cleared... This is how God does his work!

Thanks everyone for all your support and prayers. In my darkest hour when I begged the Lord to spare my son, I saw him lifted up on the wings of a thousand prayers. This was comforting to me and I know it opened the door for miracles.

One more thing: it is wonderful for Ian to see his close friends. However we need to manage how many people are here at once and he needs a lot of rest and time for therapy. Please call us before you drive down and we can let you know when it might be a good time to come.



Hard Work Starts Today

One week ago right now Ian was fighting for his life! We are so grateful he is still with us and we love him so much. We have seen progress everyday and that is all we are asking for. Yesterday Ian tried really hard to remember some details about his day like the fish he saw in the fish tank and his room number. I know it sounds simple but huge in his recovery. It is amazing how he can play Blokus with Eddie and teach him how to play and then he can't remember what day it is. He has been looking at his facebook and his phone a little. He gets overwhelmed by the love from his friends and family but confused when he can't answer some of their questions because he just can't remember. We monitor all of it very closely. He asked for his phone and we decided to let him have it because we were curious if he knows how to use it. Well, he does, types a little slower not much though.

I know a lot of you out there want to come see him but he gets tired very quickly so we have to allow time between visitors. Please call or email one of us before you drive all the way down here.

Today is the day they decide if Ian will move into the Rehab unit and do inpatient Rehab or if he goes home and does outpatient Rehab. We have mixed feeling if they decide to keep him here it would be great to get some intense rehabilitation but if they send him home, I guess that means he does not need intense rehabilitation. Plus, home has some things that they can't give him here like his dog, his room and his friends close by!
He is still sleeping this morning, I look forward to him waking up so I know what he remembers from yesterday! Please keep praying and if he reaches out to you be patient with him.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Victory Is Ours!

Last night the Avondale hockey team honored two fallen team mates. They wore the numbers of #36 Ian Raber and #91 Derek Piercy on their helmets. They won the game and more importantly they honored their teammates and battled hard. I am very proud of these boys. In addition they made a big card for Ian and allowed me to take a team picture with it.

1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday Morning

Sitting next to Ian while he sleeps. He slept through the night with a few interruptions from the nurses! His heart is beating stronger and all the tests are coming back that his heart is healing and does not look like he will have any long term problems with his heart. We are grateful for that. He woke up earlier this morning after one of the nurse visits and asked me where Matthew is and I told him he went home, he was ok with that but more importanly he remembered Matt being here and watching Brian Regan with him. But, he did not remember Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Patterson being here. I guess it is a little progress. We keep praying...
The hockey team wore his number on their helmets during a game vs. Troy last night and WON. Ian was really excited and that meant a lot to him. We will see if remembers that today. Chris went to the game to support the boys and got some pictures, can't wait to see the pics.
Please keep the prayers coming for Ian - he has improved a little everyday and we want to keep that going.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fun Night

I can't believe I am using the word fun in the middle of all this. But, it was a fun evening. Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Patterson came to visit and teased Ian about assigning him English papers. Mrs. Murphy remembered Ian likes Brian Regan and brought over a couple of DVD to watch and laugh. Cousin Matt was here for most of the night and the two of them were being silly. Matt took Ian for a walk and he said Ian was headed for the elevator. He wants to go home NOW!
We have a lot of work ahead of us but it was nice to put it all aside for a few hours. Its my turn to be at the hospital and Ian better sleep 12 hours like he did for Dad! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.

Step Down

Ian was moved out of ICU and into a regular room. It is nice because we have more room and privacy. It is much quieter so we can sleep better. It has been a good day. Ian is eating on his own, walking, talking and reading Kids National Geographic, which he says is too childish! He has seen the speech therapist and physical theapist and things are actually going very well. The bottom line is that he has some problems with his short term memory and time line. He thinks it is January and the year changes every time we ask him. He does not remember who was here yesterday or what he ate for breakfast. They have asked us to keep a journal for him and keep reminding him of everything. Coach KT came to visit him and brought him a card from the Leadership class which is loved and spent an hour looking at. He also liked the "crappy" card from his other friends. We are going to need all your help getting him back. All the doctors tell us he is a MIRACLE. For now we keep praying for our MIRACLE.
A little humor - I walked in to find a blanket on Ian that has baseball's and bats on it! Really... funny thing is when he was being moved he wanted to take the blanket with him.

Saturday Morning - Where did the week go?

It was good to sleep in my own bed, although I woke up several times thinking about my little boy! It was nice to spend a little time with Tessa and catch up on her life. I love how she catches me up on all the gossip at the Middle School. She has been a rock and sees the glass half full! I took Daisy for a walk and even paid some bills - I guess life must go on.
Lucky for Dad Ian slept for 10 hours! He walked to the bathroom this morning. I have not seen it but Chris tells me it is slow and he needs help. He ate a good breakfast with very little help. He watched a little TV and likes to look at the posts on his Facebook using his IPOD Touch. The computer is too much for him but he knows how to use his IPOD really well. We have not let him type any messages but he did "Like" something he saw on there. Thanks again for all the prayers, keep them coming. We are hoping he gets moved out of ICU today.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Night Duty

Dad has his first night duty and I get to sleep in my own bed since Sunday night! I am excited but hate to be away from Ian. It just made sense because now that Ian is getting up to go to the bathroom Dad can help him more than I can - never realized how big he got! After I picked up Tessa from school I realized that I did not put on my prayer scarf today, so I got it on immediately and I swear things starting going better. By dinner time Ian was doing so much better feeding himself, not perfect but progress. Even though the whole Facebook experience upset him - maybe a little too much for now - he wanted to know everything and as hard as that was it is good to know he has emotions and wants to understand what happened to him. The big question is will he remember it all tomorrow?
I have to tell you all, I am overwhelmed by all the prayers, notes, emails, gifts, flowers and texts. THANK YOU and please keep praying for Ian.

Big Day

Ian is starting to ask a lot of questions about what happened. He looked at his facebook a little and was a little overwhelmed of the response from his friends. He gets that his friends have poured out their thoughts and prayers to him. But he is confused about the sequence of events and what happened. He has no recall of the incident or anything before today. We need to be careful not to go too fast.

Lord, grant us with patience; bless our boy with a full recovery so that he can be a testament to your glory. Amen.

Today's Events

It has been a really hard day. I think we got greedy having so many good things happen all in a few hours yesterday. Don't get me wrong we made progress and we are very grateful. All the IV's are out, all the vital signs are good. He got out of bed, had a bath and sat in a chair. The only meds he is on is antibiotics. As far as we can tell he can read, spell, talks but right now he has a hard time feeding himself and his short term memory is weak. We have not seen him walk, stand - but not walk.  Please keep praying...

Night Report

Good news is that Ian's vitals are good. During the night he had a couple of hellucinations which we had to talk him down from. We are hoping it is because of all the drugs he has been on but time will tell. His eyes are more aware, his speech is better and louder. He is expressing himself well, although he repeats himself at times. My sister was making faces at him and he stuck his tongue out at her. We hope to have some of the main IVs removed so he can get out of bed. Keep the prayers coming!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

In Case you Doubt God

I have had about 8 hours of sleep the last 3 days. My sister, Parivash, is spending the night with me at the hospital tonight so we can take turns sleeping. Looking forward to that...
Now that the worse is behind us, I want to share a story with you. On Monday when we got to Children's while they were getting Ian situated we were in a conference room going over his treatment plan. I was a mess and crying non-stop. Ian's God Mother, Marti, looked at me and said don't forget your mom is here watching over him. It could not have been more than 20 minutes when a woman walked in from the Family and Friends program to drop off some passes for us. She introduced herself as Jahan. I asked her to repeat her name and spell it for me and she did! Well, for those of you who don't know...My mother's name was Jahan and Tessa is named after her. How many Jahans do you know? First one I have met in this country. If that was not a signal from God, I don't know what is. Keep the faith. If I ever had doubts, they are gone!
With that...I am going to get some sleep. Thanks again for all your support and keep praying we still have a long road ahead of us.

He is Talking!!!

It has been an amazing day...he recognizes all of us, even his uncle from Vancouver. He knows where he is, he remembers that he was playing catch. He is following commands, he smiles, he says he is not scared! They took out his feeding tube, he drank some pedialyte from a straw. He actually said "get this stuff off me"!

God is GREAT!

ian's Talking!!!!!!

He woke up a couple minutes ago and said "get this stuff off me"


Continued Progress

Ian is responsive and doing well. He is following commands and nodding yes/no.  He is no longer receiving sedative. They say it will take 48 hours for the meds to clear from his system.

Ian will have to fight to fully recover but we know he has it in him.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. It's working!


He is a fighter, I have to give him that. He has been waking up on and off all afternoon. He was having a hard time breathing with the tubes in his mouth so they took them out. He is breathing on his own and doing GREAT. He is following commands well but it is too early to tell if all is OK. Keep praying...will write again soon.

Ian's starting to come out

At about 3:40 Ian woke up. His body temp is normal now. He was very intentional and responsive.

His respirator is dailed way down and he is doing more than half his breathing alone. They think they will get him off the respirator tonight!

He is on mild sedation at this point.

Our God is an awesome God!

Thaw - Final Step

Just came out of Ian's room. His temp is at 35, the goal is to reach 36.1 by 1:30. From there he needs to get to 36.8 by 5:30 and then we are home. He is still sedated because he shivers when he wakes up. It's hard to watch. Once his body temp is normal they will cut back the meds and we will finally get some answers we have been waiting for. We are surrounded by a lot of family and Ian's God Mother, Marti. Ian's cousin, Matthew is here today to help him wake up - if you don't know him, he is Ian's twin! Of course, we are always looking at all your comments on Ian's blog and shedding a few tears. It is amazing how many people care about Ian, it is humbling. For those of you out there who have sent me texts and prayers, I get them and read each and everyone, I just don't have the energy to answer them all. Please know we are grateful that you are all out there. THANK YOU!
P.S. Little Carly - thanks for the card. I  told Ian you still want to marry him and I think it made him smile!

Morning rounds

This morning Ian is stable. All vitals are good. His oxygenation levels are the highest in PICU. Go buddy!

His temp is one step from normal.  At 1:30 today they will set his temp to normal. Once he gets to that point they will start backing off the meds, starting with the paralytic.

God is good and he's in the house!

"Thaw" Update

At 1:30 AM they changed the target body temp to 34.4 and now his body temp is at 35.7 which is higher than they want it to be. They wanted to keep him at 34.4 until 5:30 AM so the blanket turns really cold trying to bring his temp back down. Every time the blanket changes from one extreme to the other Ian wakes up and shivers. His eyes open, he is moving his arms and legs but it is not really controlled. I stand by him, hold his hand and try to calm him down until they can give him more meds and put him back to sleep. It is a roller coaster! At 5:30 the temp target goes to 35.1 for the next 4 hours. We are halfway there. His heart beat has gone from 48 when we started to 67 although at time it has gone up to 88 when he shivers. When the blanket is warm his blood pressure goes down but he is holding his own and his heart is keeping up OK. We just had another shiver episode. Can't wait until this is over...please keep praying for my sweet boy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The "Thaw" Has Started

I am in Ian's room and they started the thaw right at 9:30. The starting temp was 31.8, the goal is to get him to 33.7 in 4 hours. It is a very slow process. He is still completely quiet and I can see that it will be a long night. We had a good day, he moved his toes and hands a few times. His aunts and uncles all came to see him and even a couple of cousins were allowed to visit him. Tessa was here after school and is being very supportive and brave about the whole thing.
The challenge tonight will be to make sure his heart keeps up and that his blood pressure stays normal.
Thanks for all the support, we can't tell you how much it all means. Please keep praying. I hope to have my Ian back soon.

Quiet Day

Ian has been resting and stable this afternoon. Tonight is a big night. They will start raising his temp slowly until it's normal. This is going to start around 9 PM and finish tomorrow afternoon.

We are hopeful and positive. God is good and Ian is in his hands.

How blessed are we?

Lord we thank you for our friends and family. We thank you for the prayers and errands and food and a multitude  of blessings.

And we ask you to bless Ian with your healing grace.



Keep the prayers coming...more good news...As uncle Doug says the "Thaw" process is scheduled to start at 9:30 tonight. They say it will take 16 hours to get his body temperature back to normal. Then they will start cutting back on the meds and letting him wake up. I was there for morning rounds where they go through EVERYTHING! You know it is good when his doctor who is VERY good but does not smile gets a huge smile on her face and says, I am HAPPY. The words were are so encouraging.
Thank you for all the prayers and things that have been sent my way. I am walking around with a cross from a friend, a charm from a dear teacher, a prayer necklace and a prayer scarf. It is getting heavy around my neck but they will stay in the days to come. Thanks to all of you for your support.
More to come soon. No visitors please my family is huge and can't handle much more right now. Another 12 hours of sleep and then the work starts.


Chris has been doing the morning duty and taking Tessa to school so he should be here soon to get the good news.  Every hour they give him meds to put him back to "sleep" but I get about 5 minutes when he I can talk to him and try to get him to do something, anything. Well, he finally heard me this morning and moved his toes. He moved his left toes and we asked him to move his right toes and he did! The little things that mean so much these days. So please keep praying, its working.


Sitting in Ian's ICU Room. He is hooked up to a lot of machines that help us monitor his progress. Watching his brain activity, not sure what it all means but there there is stuff going on so that is good news! During the night he had 2 episodes of "shaking" it almost looks like a seizure but the brain activity does not agree which is also good news. It's probably just Ian saying get me out of here! Other than that it has been a quiet night. Today is the big day...they start raising his body temperature. They will start that later today and it could take 16 hours or more. It is a waiting game and I hate it but he is alive and I am so thank ful for that. The morning X-Ray crew is here so I will write again later. Please keep praying.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday Night

Today Ian was kept sedated and cool with the chilling therapy.

He was checked with an EEG that has indicated no seizures. All his vitals are stable and some of the blood work showed improvements (e.g. liver function). This is all positive news that makes us hopeful he will do well when they warm him up and reduce the sedation. We expect this process to start tomorrow evening and progress through late Thursday.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday 2/14

Ian was struck in the heart by a baseball at early morning practice. His heart was bruised and went into arythmia which caused him to have a siezure. For a period of time his heart was irregular and he had no pulse.

When EMS arrived they used shock treatment and medicine and then put him in the ambulance. They took him to POH Trauma Unit in Pontiac. They stabilized Ian and then transported him to Children's Hospital in Detroit. Ian is in PICU. We are hopeful that the actions of his coach and EMS kept blood flowing until his pulse returned. Ian's vital signs are good. His heart is beating regularly on its own and they expect the bruise to heal naturally. Our biggest concern is that he went a while without a pulse. So the concern is the condition of his brain. One positive sign is that his other organs are all showing good function and his blood work is good. This means that lack of oxygen did not seriously damage his other organs. He is showing no signs of seizures now.

Ian is being treated with hypothermia. This means they are cooling his body and keeping him sedated for 48 hours. This approach has been shown to provide better chance of brain healing in adults. The treatment for children is experimental. Ian is in a clinical trial for this treatment. We are in the second day of the 48 hour chilling treatment. This means Ian is sedated and quiet for at least another day. It is important that he is not agitated and is allowed to rest. Wednesday or Thursday they will start to raise his body temperature and at some point they will decrease the sedation. At that point we will know what level of function he has and can start to consider visitors.

Please pray for Ian. For those of you that don't know Ian well, he is a kind a gentle soul. He loves his family and friends. He loves hockey and baseball and is an excellent student. Ian has had to battle through adversity in his life, so we know he has it in him. We are very hopeful that he will fight through this and get back to what he loves.