Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ian Forgot Math?

I guess this our first tangible set back. They did some tests that we don't have the results for yet trying to determine where Ian is at mentally! In the meantime as part of his therapy he worked with a teacher. Although Ian remembers his multiplication tables, he had a hard time with long division and long multiplication. Funny thing is....he is not that concerned because he says he does not think any of his friends remember because at the level of math he is at now, he says they never do that, they use the calculator. So - for Ian's friends out there - do you remember how to do long division or do you get lost in the middle? Be honest now, we are trying to figure out what is going on in Ian's head which is very complicated. Regardless, Dad is not happy and is going to start with Math 101!  The good news is his vocabulary is still excellent! So, we think he is switching from a Math degree to and a English degree! After another day of tests and therapy Ian is very tired and going to bed soon. We are trying to keep it all light but is concerning for Dad and I. Keep praying for good results in the other tests he had. Every day there is more food, cards, gift cards, well wishes, etc - THANK YOU. The nurses really like Ian because he shares the food!


  1. So glad for blogs ... so glad the Raber's came into my life. Hugs and prayers for all.

  2. Mrs. Raber,
    Recently, in my alg.2 class we were starting a new chapter and it involved variables and long division. Our teacher went to do an example problem on the board, and everyone was completely lost! I was sitting there thinking, how do you do long division again?!! Apparently, the rest of the class was thinking the same thing, because one girl raised her hand and asked if he would show us how to do a normal long division problem and everyone chimed in saying "yeah really"!! Our teacher laughed and he showed us how to do normal long division... it took me a couple more examples of regular long division to get it down.
    So don't worry, it sounds completely normal that Ian's not completely remembering how to do it! I doubt any of us really remember how to do that stuff.
    Ian will continue to stay in our thoughts and prayers for sure!

  3. Puran and Chris,
    Don't worry about the math...all the other kids are in the same boat! Avondale math classes rely toooooooo much on the calculator!!! Being a former high school math teacher, I feel so much frustration every time I help my kids with their math homework. The calculator does all the basic math skills. Unfortunately, they are all fuzzy on long division and multiplication because they rarely are required to use these skills. Matthew just asked me to show him long division again to help in dividing polynomials for Algebra II. I keep wondering if the Algebra II students can graph without using the fancy graphing calculators required this year. They are also fuzzy on reducing fractions because their answers are always decimals from the calculator. I've repeatedly asked students what they will do when the calculator battery dies, but the response is always “that's not a problem with solar calculators!” So sad...but the good news is that Ian is right...his friends don’t know it either!
    Hope you sleep well tonight!

  4. All is true, with the use of technology it is very hard to grasp how much any of todays folks (kids and adults)really know. Puran and Chris keep working with Ian but be patient. He might have to rely on the calculator and if the batteries run out, they can use their phone:)

    Puran it was great to give you a big hug:)

  5. I'm getting him a slide ruler. ;-)
