Thursday, February 17, 2011

In Case you Doubt God

I have had about 8 hours of sleep the last 3 days. My sister, Parivash, is spending the night with me at the hospital tonight so we can take turns sleeping. Looking forward to that...
Now that the worse is behind us, I want to share a story with you. On Monday when we got to Children's while they were getting Ian situated we were in a conference room going over his treatment plan. I was a mess and crying non-stop. Ian's God Mother, Marti, looked at me and said don't forget your mom is here watching over him. It could not have been more than 20 minutes when a woman walked in from the Family and Friends program to drop off some passes for us. She introduced herself as Jahan. I asked her to repeat her name and spell it for me and she did! Well, for those of you who don't know...My mother's name was Jahan and Tessa is named after her. How many Jahans do you know? First one I have met in this country. If that was not a signal from God, I don't know what is. Keep the faith. If I ever had doubts, they are gone!
With that...I am going to get some sleep. Thanks again for all your support and keep praying we still have a long road ahead of us.


  1. Puran-that is a beautiful and powerful story. God works in many ways. The news you have shared with us tonight is just what your community has been praying for. We are so happy. Ian will be home with you very soon. Sleep well-Jen Rosasco

  2. Puran,
    What a wonderful guardian angel to watch over and protect Ian!! I can only imagine the relief you and Chris felt to hear Ian's voice this evening!! Today's miracles are many....and a testiment of the strong faith in and around Ian and your entire family!! Rest well tonight....
    Much love,
    Rob, Lisa, Allison, Laura and Kate

  3. Puran, you and your family have been amazing! Your faith in God has helped you through an ordeal no family should have to experience. I just want to thank you for taking the time to share updates with us so often as this has been difficult for all who know and love your family. I hope you felt that love through all the prayers sent to Ian. You are an amazingly strong matter how weak you may have felt in the past days. Love Tammy!

  4. Thank you for sharing that uplifting story Puran. Marti is one insightful, supportive woman. I am glad you could finally get some much needed sleep & emotional relief. Ian is & always has been in Gods healing, capable hands, and our faith in him has shown us that. I look forward to today's posts from you. I just know Ian will continue to move forward. Maybe today he will ask for a book or his homework...LOL (can finally do that). Luv Ya! give Ian a hug for us.

  5. God is so cool! He knows our every need.

  6. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust.

    Psalm 18:2

    When life get's stressful, it's good to know, He's there. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story.

  7. Hi Puran...your amazing story sends chills over me. I to have no doubts in God and guardian angels. Tell Pari I said hello!
    Love and Prayers

  8. This story LITERALLY gave me the chills! Wow... Honestly, we often find that when we have the littlest hope, God will surprise us. I am so happy to hear that Ian is on the track to full recovery. Your family is incredibly strong, and forever positive. Much love to you and yours! Thanks for sharing this story with us. It really put my morning into perspective.

  9. i know puran joon....i know....
    i do believe in that “presence of the higher power in earthy scenarios” with all my heart...
    i have experienced this miraculous proof myself in my life many times...
    and yesss the chill went down on my spine too when i heard it from Hassan the other day...

  10. Indeed. Pay attention and have faith. I hope you got some sleep.

  11. Puran,
    That is truly an amazing story! Without a doubt, his grandmother is watching over him and I'm certain he will make a full recovery! He is such a fighter! Your faith in God is so inspirational and will get you through these difficult days. Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way.

    Jill Amico
