Saturday, February 19, 2011

Step Down

Ian was moved out of ICU and into a regular room. It is nice because we have more room and privacy. It is much quieter so we can sleep better. It has been a good day. Ian is eating on his own, walking, talking and reading Kids National Geographic, which he says is too childish! He has seen the speech therapist and physical theapist and things are actually going very well. The bottom line is that he has some problems with his short term memory and time line. He thinks it is January and the year changes every time we ask him. He does not remember who was here yesterday or what he ate for breakfast. They have asked us to keep a journal for him and keep reminding him of everything. Coach KT came to visit him and brought him a card from the Leadership class which is loved and spent an hour looking at. He also liked the "crappy" card from his other friends. We are going to need all your help getting him back. All the doctors tell us he is a MIRACLE. For now we keep praying for our MIRACLE.
A little humor - I walked in to find a blanket on Ian that has baseball's and bats on it! Really... funny thing is when he was being moved he wanted to take the blanket with him.


  1. Other than prayers, what is it we can do to help Ian? to help you and Chris and Tessa. You have many many people that are ready and willing to do anything.
    We are here for you!

    Lisa Phil and Pete

  2. Bring that boy some Calvin & Hobbes!

  3. The Hill family is available for whatever help your family needs! We also would like to send a thank you to the staff at Childrens Hospital as well as the extended family that has surrounded the Rabers in this time of need.

  4. The Foley family is so happy to hear that Ian is on the mending side of this fence. Puran thank-you so much for all of your posts. It sounds like Ian has work ahead of him, however I've seen him work hard and I know you can do it Ian. Our thoughts and prayers are still ongoing for a full and speedy recovery. Ian you will be missed tonight at the hockey game. Use all of those tough skills to mend quickly.

  5. It is so great to hear all the progress Ian is making. We will continue to pray for him.
    Jill, Greg, and Thomas

  6. It is very encouraging to hear about Ian's progress everyday. One step at a time is what it takes to continue on the road to recovery. Thanks for the posts. I like reading them everyday. He is lucky to have such a supportive family with round the clock care!
    The Kuczeski family


    ian joonam, watch this one! :)
    this is crazy!!! :)

  8. Prayers are still coming and will continue from Chattanooga!

  9. Keep fighting Ian, I've been sending positive thoughts and prayers all week.
    Puran, thank you for sharing this info with us. It's wonderful to see the support of the Avondale community and to see that our prayers are being answered, and Angels help too.
    Sandy Tabacchi
