Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ian's starting to come out

At about 3:40 Ian woke up. His body temp is normal now. He was very intentional and responsive.

His respirator is dailed way down and he is doing more than half his breathing alone. They think they will get him off the respirator tonight!

He is on mild sedation at this point.

Our God is an awesome God!


  1. Puran, Chris and Tessa,
    What INCREDIBLE news!! Ian's strength is amazing!! We will continue to keep all of you in our prayers!! Stay strong....
    Love to you,

  2. This is such positive news! Way to go Ian!
    Lisa K

  3. This is absolutely great news to hear!! I prayed special intentions for Ian in religion class today and many people were concerned about him. I will keep praying special intentions!
    Keep going Ian, you can do it!

  4. Incredible news, I agree! Wow. I am so very happy... What a relief that he is coming out of this fighting and ready to be well again. I love you guys! Many thanks for keeping us posted. It is SO appreciated. :)

  5. Oh My God !!!!
    Ohhh My Guuud!!!!
    Oh........ my God.....

    rivers of tears of happiness.......

  6. Awesome news! We're still praying for more good news. EVERYONE is so concerned, thanks for keeping us updated.
    The Koberstein's

  7. Oh the joy you must have felt when he woke up!
    This is fantastic news! God Bless the Doctors and all who made wonderful decisions!
    We are all cheering for you, Ian!
    Keep the faith and the fight!
    Our love and prayers,
    Avondale Baseball Families

  8. We continue to pray!!! This is wonderful news.

    Lisa, Phil and Pete

  9. Fantastic News. The strength of a tough, smart hockey kid with an unbelievably strong, good and faithful family, magnified by 5,000 (at least) people praying since Monday night, we knew the results would be great. "The Miracle on Ice".
    The Tullock Family

  10. The Groh family is praying for Ian and his family! Ian, Matthew's mom can't wait to bake you your own batch of the sugar cookies you love so much.
    Thanks for sharing his progress as we are all concerned and want to help. Stay strong!!

  11. How amaging, way to go Ian! Keep fighting hard and your are almost there! I can't tell you how many kind comments were shared about you by the various Avondale parents and siblings that are all hoping and wishing for more good news. You are an amazing young man to command so much support. Everyone knows that you have the determination and tenacity to push hard. You are in God's good grace and he will point you towards the miracle that we are all waiting for. We are looking forward to the next bit of good news, so keep it coming. May God continue to bless you and your family.
    Wishing you the best,
    The Smith Family (Michele, Brad, Matt and Alissa)

  12. Good news! Thanks for the updates


  13. Yeah! : )Where can I send flowers?

  14. Good things come to those who wait and your family has certainly waited long enough. Continued prayers for a full recovery. Godspeed to you Ian on your way back!
    The Ridenours
