Thursday, February 17, 2011

Continued Progress

Ian is responsive and doing well. He is following commands and nodding yes/no.  He is no longer receiving sedative. They say it will take 48 hours for the meds to clear from his system.

Ian will have to fight to fully recover but we know he has it in him.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. It's working!


  1. WOO! GO IAN!
    I will continue to pray!

  2. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all- Go Ian go! Kerry

  3. This is Great!!!!We are not done everyone...Keep up the prayers and Puran, if you need ANYTHING let us know....Again our love and prayers are all about your family. Keep it up Ian.

  4. Way to fight buddy!
    Light of God surrounds you.
    Love of God enfolds you.
    Power of God protects you.
    Presence of God watches over you.
    Where ever you are, God is, and all is well!

  5. May the long time sun
    Shine upon you,
    All love surround you,
    And the pure light within you
    Guide your way on.
