Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rehab Update

Yesterday afternoon Ian was formally admitted to inpatient Rehab. He worked with Occupational, Physical and Speech therapy and was really tired when it was all done. He is improving everyday. He is starting to remember the day to day activities which is huge! This morning I asked him about who visited yesterday and he remembered everyone who was here. Now that he is in rehab, it's kind of like school, he is working from 9:00 to 4:00 with an hour break for lunch. I wonder if he will make it, he is so tired all the time. Once he gets out of therapy he takes a nap and we are arranging for one friend to come see him a day. No talk about when he will be released yet! I have tried to give you something that he has done everyday that has amazed me - here is today's story, not huge but suprising. When Ian first came to he could not remember what day or year it was and we taught him to look on the board in his room to help him which they update daily. This morning the nurse had not come in to update the board. I asked him what day it was and without looking at the board he said it is the 23rd. He then looked at the board and said that is wrong today is Wednesday not Tuesday. It is in there and starting to come back! THANK GOD for small Miracles not to mention the big ones! Everyday we are receiving cards, flowers, cookies, well wishes, you name it. THANK YOU - I wish I could take the time to thank each and everyone of you. Please know everything is appreciated! Keep praying....


  1. Hang in there, Ian! I am so proud of you. We continue to pray for the whole Raber family. God is with you!
    Mr. Biegun

  2. Ian, continue the baby steps with a giant step thrown in there for your mom to write about. That's all we ask. :)

  3. Hi Ian!

    Still not on Facebook, so I thought I'd say hi to you here. Sounds like you have climbed mountains and with great success!!

    About the memory...when it all works, don't tell anybody! Think how that could come in handy...oops, did you assign homework, Mrs. Schubach??...You asked me to clean my room, Mom??? See what I mean!

    My family continues to pray for a speedy recovery.


  4. Abby and I are not surprised at Ian's progress. He has such a determined spirit and a so many prayers! So cute, my Mom is praying and so are several of her friends. She calls daily to check on Ian's progress. Things like this get us focused on what is really important in life. We contine to pray! Love, Anne

  5. Thank you Puran for the updates and thank you Ian for being strong and wanting to progress. Keep up the good work, one step at a time. Puran, I'm sending a great big hug for you.

    Thinking of you always,

  6. We were all hoping for just small baby-steps of improvement, but he's taking HUGE steps!! WAY TO GO IAN! See you at home soon.

    Bob, Pat and Nick

  7. Just Luuuuv Matthew's advice!!!!!!
    Hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! :)
    Hey Ian? ;)
