Thursday, March 3, 2011


I got a call today from my brother in Scotland who was all worried because the blog had not been updated since Ian got out of the hospital. It made me realize that some of you might be wondering what is going on.

Ian is now going to Outpatient therapy at a place called Stepping-Stone which is a DMC Outpatient facility for children with brain injury. So far they have been wonderful. The staff is really nice and Ian likes them. This week has been mostly evaulation to see where he is at. All the results are not in but basically he is scoring really high in vocabulary and comprehension but scoring a litlle below average in speed and processing. Whatever that means. Today, Ian's Chemistry teacher came to see him and was really pleased with everything Ian remembers. There were things he was rusty at which he re-learned today, the question is, will Ian remember the things he learned today tomorrow. Time will tell. We are going to take this approach for all of his classes and try to catch him up a little before he goes back to school. Not sure when that will be but the important thing is that he is improving everyday. We also made a quick visit to Ian's elementary school and saw some of his teachers. The reaction was warm and very touching. I think Ian realized how much he is loved. It is rare when teachers start crying in front of their class and give hugs that last more that a minute.

None of this would have been possible without the nurses and doctors at the DMC and we truly believe that the Clinical Study Ian participated in probably saved his brain. Please keep praying for a couple of more Miracles!

I will update the blog but it probably won't be as frequent - another thing that my brother told me I should let you all know! :-)


  1. Thanks Puran for posting the latest update. Like your brother, we too, have been addicted to this blog page & the updates that you leave. We do not want to overwhelm you guys at this hard-working stage of Ian's recovery, so for now, this page is our link to you. Glad to hear that Ian is staying strong and moving forward. Even though he is out of the Intensive Care Unit & is now home, we understand that his recovery & therapy are just as Intensive & our prayers for the entire family will continue to remain Intensive. Please call if you need anything. We Love you guys!

    The Hill Family

  2. I agree with your brother, the blog helps us understand how Ian is improving. We continue to say extra prayers to help Ian get where he wants to be and keep you, Chris and Tessa strong.

    Call if you need help :)
    The Wakefield's
