Thursday, March 31, 2011

Graduated From Speech

It is hard to believe it has not even been 2 months since Ian's accident and his last day of Speech Therapy was today! I think I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
All the tests they did on him last week came back normal which was all great news. Unfortunately, Ian did not get clearance from his Cardiologist to go back to contact sports. Although his heart is functioning perfectly, the lining of his heart is thicker than normal and they are not sure why. They have never seen a case like this so they are playing it really safe. They are pretty sure it is from the hit to the heart but they would like it to be in normal range before going back to sports. I guess that means no baseball or hockey this spring! He is allowed to run, skate, bike, etc. just no contact sports. We go back in May for more testing.
With all that said....if anyone told me told me when Ian was in ICU that we would still be able to take our family vacation to the Bahamas for Spring Break, I would have thought you were crazy. Well, all his doctors have approved for us to keep our plans and go. It is a much needed vacation for all of us even though it was planned before Ian's accident, the timing could not be better. Please pray that everyone stays healthy and we don't run into any problems in the Bahamas.
The plan is for Ian to go back to school full time after Spring Break assuming he does not get too tired. One day at a time! Thanks again for all the prayers that I know keep coming. Bahamas - here we come!


  1. I cannot tell you how happy I am about your success. From the moment I met you in Pontiac till we met again at Children's Hospital in Detroit I had you and your family on my mind. I was really routing for you as were we all. Till this day my colleagues ask about you and your success. I keep directing them to your blog, that your father gave me when I saw you in Detroit. I wish you more and more success.

    - Dr.Nelson

  2. Thanks Dr. Nelson. We are on vacation in the Bahamas and Ian is doing great!

  3. Praise God for the miracle he has worked through Ian. Healing rain is falling down! Puran, hearing Ian's story today was a testimony of the Lord's power and grace. Ian was indeed chosen to represent and achieve great things in his lifetime. I adore Ian and thank the Lord for his healing touch. Hugs from Sue at the front desk :0)
