Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Improving Everyday

Thanks to the Avondale Hockey Team, last Friday night we had a really nice dinner at Maggiano's Restaurant, the first one since Ian's accident! It was a really great evening!

Ian is down to 3 days of Physical Therapy and 2 days of Speech Therapy so we are only driving to Warren 3 times a week instead of 5. The left side of his body is still weaker than his right but it is improving all the time. They work him pretty hard and don't let him get away with much, he says he would rather go to school if that tells you anything. Speaking of school...Ian is attending 6th and 7th hour and working to catch up with the rest of his classes from home. He is caught up in Chemistry and English. He has done all the work in Spanish but has a few tests to take. He is about half way there in Economics and has not really started Math. That is this week's goal! Big mountain to climb but he is getting there. Generally he is in good spirits but gets tired easily but no more naps during the day.
Last night Ian and his dad took a couple of friends to the Red Wings game, thanks to a very sweet teacher who has been more than supportive during this difficult time. They had a great time and Chris was happy to watch his son be a kid and thanked GOD a million times for our MIRACLE. I stayed home with Tessa and spent a little time with my little Angel. :-)

We have a couple of followup appointments with his doctors this week but the big one is next Monday with his Cardiologist. After a stress test they will determine if he can be cleared for sports and start working out and more importanly if there are any longer term effects on his heart. Please pray that all goes well! We are still in awe of all the support, hugs, cards, food and prayers. You are all the best! THANK YOU.

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