Monday, March 7, 2011

Leap Frog?

Ian  continues to make amazing progress. Sunday we got back to church as a family for the first time since the accident. The message was on the Prodigal Son. Is God dialed-in or what? It was really awesome for us to be back at church. We went to chapel after the service for some quiet prayer. Batteries energized!

After church we had a visit from some old friends. The love and support from our friends continues to amaze. As usual we are being catered to, cooked for and spoiled. Pretty soon we'll need to direct all this energy to another family in need. Play it forward...

Today Ian went to outpatient therapy. His regular therapist was out so he had a sub. She looked at his evaluation results and wasn't sure what to do with him. We are hoping this means we can focus our attention on catching up in school and getting back to regular life. This afternoon Ian is going to get on the ice with his hockey team. Just some light skating and shooting the puck for today. He can't fully participate until he is cleared by his cardiologist.

Ian is doing remarkably well. He gets tired easy and has lost some strength. His memory isn't 100% but seems to be improving everyday.My prayer today: God thank you for the miraculous recovery of Ian. He is a testament to your glory and the prayerful faithfulness of your children. God please continue to heal Ian so that your glory is proclaimed far and wide!


  1. I am so glad to hear that Ian is making progress everyday. I'm sure putting those skates on and being on the ice again made him feel great. I look forward to seeing him in the hallways at school!!
    Prayers for healing and prayers of thanks continue to be said by us all.

    Lisa Phil and Pete

  2. So happy to hear that all continues on a steady glide to normalcy.
    We love you guys and you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers-- even in those around my office in Queens, NY! Imagine that! Cafeful on that ice Ian!
    I am off to California this weekend for a trade show. Blessings, Kathy & Nick
