Saturday, May 14, 2011

Channel 4 TV interview

This Sunday May 15th at 11 PM and Monday at 5 or 6 PM, Ian and family wereinterviewed on Channel 4 WDIV Detroit. We want to share the miracle of Ian's recovery and spread the word about readiness and CPR to leaders of youth sports programs.

Three months ago today this nightmare started! Ian is doing great...4 more tests and he will be caught up in school!

How prayer and modern medicine saved Ian.
Follow-up message on the need for better CPR/AED awareness.


  1. We saw the interview on TV. Thanks for being willing to share such a personal story to help others. We all shed a tear, in fact Abby watched it first and said, "Mom, you don't want to watch it." Of course I did and I had no idea how close you came to losing your baby! We continue to pray for all of you and praise God for your miracle.


  2. It was horrendous. But it was also a testament to faith and the power of prayer. The news highlighted the modern medicine that help Ian recover, but that is not the whole story. We are thankful for God's healing grace and our wonderful friends.

    3 more catch-up items and Ian is out of the woods at school!!!


  3. Puran, I don't have your current email so I thought I would send you a note on the blog. Thank you so much for speaking to the board the other night. I know it was not easy and we sure appreciate you being there. The board supports you and Dr. Heitsch %100. I'm still keeping Ian in my prayers. Talk with you soon.
